Peaceful Protesters face Police Brutality

Video from reporter Marcel Irnie

Irnie Racing News: Feb.18, 2022

This video depicts peaceful protestors proudly singing Canada’s national anthem on Wellington Street in Ottawa.

The evidence shows:

A woman yelling “How dare you?… You should be ashamed… Shame on you!” was silenced with pepper spray.

13:00 the crowd chants “freedom” and “liberte”
14:00 the police push their batons into the
15:00 the police push harder and yell “back up”. The protestors respond “we are peaceful… hold the line… we are not breaking the law… we are allowed to be here.”
16:00 police shove harder 16:30 Someone falls. “I’ll help you up”
18:00 Police yells “You supposed to be peaceful so move”
19:00 A rude protestor calls an office a “joke” and a “clown”
20:00 Crowd chants “shame”

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